Keep up to date with all of our major events at the track here. Ruapuna is known worldwide for some of our seriously awesome racing events hosted at the track. Both two and four wheel motorsport events run although out the year, many of which are afternoon events, with others spanning across a whole weekend. We are serious about the rush of motorsport.

We are in the business of bringing exciting motorsport racing to the region and work with a variety of event hosts to do so. We strive to ensure the circuit is well utilised providing good racing, that both competitors and spectators are welcomed to the facilities.

Since the motor car first arrived in New Zealand, Christchurch was the pioneering centre for Motorsport in New Zealand despite not having a permanent circuit. And so Ruapuna was created by an abundance of people, passionate about motorsport.

CCC Seal Autocross - Interclub
Sat Jun 28 2025 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Autocross is a relatively cheap form of racing with higher speeds than a Motorkhana with the use of mostly 2nd/3rd gear, and no reversing.
Chicanes are used to keep speeds down on longer straights.
Autocross is an ideal environment in which to learn or improve car control skills. A circuit is laid out using plastic cones on a large grass or sealed area, whereas the winner is the competitor with the fastest overall accumulated time from normally 3 runs. You race individually, with another car starting 30 seconds or so behind you with 2-3 cars on the track at once but well separated. Usually there will be at least 2 (sometimes 3-4) courses, with 2 runs at each course with your best time out of the 2 counting.

Sealed events – Ruapuna Raceway 107 Hasketts Rd
Grass events – 94 Camwell Park. Off Flaxton Rd, Rangiora. Please respect property owners and neighbours by keeping speeds down on Camwell park and the driveway into property, under 15 kph on shingle driveway.
Sign in:
Grass 8:30 – 9:30 am.
Seal 8:99 – 9:00
Events finish approx 4-5:00
Late sign-in on the day can not be accepted, please arrive early to help the organisers
Check event regulations to ensure accurate timing

Classes (updated from 2023/24 season)
Overall, Junior (aged 20 and under), Ladies
2WD 0-1500cc
2WD 1501-2000cc
2WD 2001+cc

How to enter

Entries to be placed via or the Motorsport NZ app
Info on how to use this system HERE. Please get in touch if you have any issues

Entries can be made on arrival at the event through the online system, however the organisers request you enter before the day online if possible to assist with organising. Repeat late entries will not be accepted. On the day entrants should arrive early to have sign in completed well before 9:00.
Event regulations are posted for each event on the calendar page, please read these to ensure you have all the correct info for each individual event.

Entries open approx 3-4 weeks out from each event.

There is a max entry number at which point no more entries will be accepted, don’t leave entering until late or you will likely miss out

On arrival at the event please report to the organisers. For seal events this is in the office at the pit garage end of the control tower complex

Entry Fees
Entries placed online by the Wednesday before the event – $80/seal. $50/grass
Late entries – $100/seal. $70/grass
Payment by cash on the day at grass events, eftpos at seal events
Pre payments can be made through the entry system or to the CCC account 02 0865 0020166 25. Please ensure to use a useful reference and get in early, paying after the closing date may not be seen in time by the organisers.
Driver Requirements
No licence needed. Club membership required after first 2 events. Drivers must be over 12 years of age, 12-16 years old with parental consent.
Max 2 drivers per car.
Car Requirements
Road legal or race car meeting Motorsport NZ Schedule A

Additional to the requirements of Appendix Two, Schedule A, Article 4.6 in the Motorsport NZ Manual; All Open Top Vehicles (not including targa top) must be fitted with a compliant rollbar (see event regulations for full details).
For road registered vehicles with a current WOF and licence a non-homologated safety rollbar/cage can be accepted at the scrutineer’s discretion (it will require sufficient height and strength of build and mounting on a case by case basis).
Non road legal open vehicles must be fitted with a homologated safety rollbar (half cage) minimum.
In all cases, the occupant’s helmet must be no higher than the highest point of the roll protection in a normal seating position.

Additional notes on vehicle requirements:
– Cars are checked by a scrutineer so you must ensure your car is suitable, Ask if you have any questions
– Road cars running regularly we highly recommend you get a Motorsport NZ Logbook, saves you needing scrutineering as often
– Adding a bolt on hard top does not remove the open car requirements
– Road legal means presented in the state it passed the WOF. eg. if you install a race seat/harness it must be done as per Schedule A

Grass events – Road Tyres only – No Rally tyres, mud and snows or knobblies of any kind (see regs for full details)
Tarmac events – Road Legal Tyres only (including semi slicks on which it is possible to get a warrant) – No slicks or pure race tyres

Safety Gear:
Approved helmet (See part 4.1 in Schedule A)
Overalls minimum 100% Cotton (FIA/SFI approved race suit highly recommended)
Fire extinguisher highly recommended
Permitted under Motorsport NZ regulations. Full roll cage and supporting safety gear required.
Example video of what the seal Autocross courses are usually like:

Dates: Click to check our CALENDAR 


For more details please contact:

CCC Office Ph 03 349 6003 8:30am – 5:00pm weekdays

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