Keep up to date with all of our major events at the track here. Ruapuna is known worldwide for some of our seriously awesome racing events hosted at the track. Both two and four wheel motorsport events run although out the year, many of which are afternoon events, with others spanning across a whole weekend. We are serious about the rush of motorsport.
We are in the business of bringing exciting motorsport racing to the region and work with a variety of event hosts to do so. We strive to ensure the circuit is well utilised providing good racing, that both competitors and spectators are welcomed to the facilities.
Since the motor car first arrived in New Zealand, Christchurch was the pioneering centre for Motorsport in New Zealand despite not having a permanent circuit. And so Ruapuna was created by an abundance of people, passionate about motorsport.
Test Day for Race Cars & Motorcycles
See for more info
What is a Motorkhana: A timed driver skill competition – there are usually 6 tests of up to 200m in length defined by cones and starting and finishing garages. There are maps provided showing the direction of travel and the course to be followed around each cone and the objective is to do the course in the correct direction without incurring a penalty (such as 5 seconds for hitting a cone or leaving the sealed surface) in the fastest time.
Run in a safe environment on the Ruapuna Track or one of our grassed areas these events are a challenge to even the most experienced. To drive a course around up to 24 cones in an area no larger than 200m x200m (often less) as quickly and carefully as possible means sliding the car, using the handbrake to turn and controlling acceleration to be as neat but as fast as possible and avoid hitting those pesky 5 seconds time penalty cones. A standard events runs 6x courses with each driver getting 2 attempts at each. Reversing is included in some courses.
Sealed events – Ruapuna Raceway 107 Hasketts Rd
Drivers Briefing 8:45 am
Event Finish approx 12:00 pm
Classes (updated from 2023/24 season)
Overall, Junior (aged 20 and under), Ladies
How to enter
Entries to be placed via or the Motorsport NZ app
Info on how to use this system HERE. Please get in touch if you have any issues
Entries open approx 3-4 weeks out from each event.
A discount applies to entries received online & early (by midnight Wednesday).
Entries can be made on arrival at the event through the online system, however the organisers request you enter before the day online if possible to assist with organising. Repeat late entries will not be accepted. On the day entrants should arrive early to have sign in completed well before 8:30.
On arrival at the event please report to the organisers to sign in BEFORE 8:30. For seal events this is in the office at the pit garage end of the control tower complex.
Late entries – $40 (places after midnight Wed)
Pre payments can be made through the entry system or to the CCC account 02 0865 0020166 25 please ensure to use a reference stating the event
Or you can pay by on the day with cash at grass events and eftpos at seal events. Pre payments can be made to the CCC account 02 0865 0020166 25 Please ensure to use a useful reference and get in early, paying after the closing date may not be seen in time by the organisers.
Driver Requirements
Max 2 drivers per car.
No passengers permitted
Competitors must abide by the Motorsport New Zealand National Sporting Code, and all instructions from officials.
The Motorsport Schedule C Part 2 requirements apply:
The high speed Rallies of today, such as World Rally Championship and the NZ Rally Championship, were born from Navigation Rallies (called Trials before 2010).
Navigation Rallies are a road legal form of motorsport designed to test the brain of the navigator, the crew’s sense of timing and powers of observation as well as the driving skills of the driver.
Canterbury Car Club (usually in association with the Ratec club) run monthly events, generally on the 3rd Thursday, on the country roads of Canterbury. The road rules must be obeyed at all times but we learn the value of observation whilst driving and the skills of night driving and driving on every type of road surface in all weathers, even snow. Our navigators (passengers) also learn to give clear instructions to the drivers and they must also act as observers. It’s a lot like Orienteering in a car.
Crews’ are provided with Supplementary Regulations prior to the event to be read in conjunction with the Navigation Rallies handbook on the MSNZ website. 2 minutes prior to leaving the start each crew is given the travel instructions (CRI/running instructions) and they leave the start at the correct time. These instruction may have mistakes/misspellings that are intended to be “Traps” which, if spotted, are worth 60 points (a penalty to be avoided). Other traps will only be noticed “on the road” like a missing sign or a hidden road.
Competition is intense as crews, some of whom have been competing for up to 40+ years, test themselves against each other and the increasing number new comers.
One of our Club Captain’s persevered over a 5 year period to start getting reasonable results and is so addicted to this most social and mind testing form of Motorsport that major surgery could not keep him from his monthly night time jaunt.
Usually for 60 – 90 minutes we finish with “on the night” results back at the starting venue.
Starts: Check before showing up as start locations vary. Get in touch if you would like to be put on the mailing list.
Cost: $10.00 per car + $5.00 per person (eg a crew of 3 persons pays $25 total)
Must have: Driver with current licence, any Road Registered Car, Torch, Pen, Clipboard or similar and at least one passenger.
For more details please contact:
Navigation Rally coordinator – Ian McKee
Single event :
- Gourlay Challenge Cup (1947) – North Canterbury Navigation Rally Crew
- Hume D Christie Trophy (1948) – Banks Peninsula Navigation Rally Crew
- The Memorial Trophy (2011) – Interclub Navigation Rally Crew
- L C Parry Cup (1974) – Map-reading Navigation Rally
Over 4 Rounds:
- The Lupp Cup (1960) – Interclub Navigation Rallies over 4 Rounds
- T.V. Myers Cup (1960) – Lupp Cup Navigation Rallies – Crew
Over 7 Rounds:
- Ferodo Challenge Trophy (1949) – Open Class Driver
- Jefferies Trophy (1948) – Open Navigator
- Ron Rutherford Trophy (1970) – Closed Driver
- Jack Tucker Memorial Trophy (1954) – Closed Navigator
Over 14 Rounds:
- The Tony Booth Trophy (1988) – Overall Navigation Rallies Champion Crew
- The Caldow Cup (1987) – Timekeeper of the season
- Hillgrove Trophy (1949) – Best Lady Driver
- Committee Trophy (1953) – Most Improved Crew
- Palmer and Doak Challenge Cup (1967) – Best Crew under 25 years
Navigation Rally Entry Form (fill out and bring with you or grab one at the event)
Test Day for Race Cars & Motorcycles
See for more info
Want to drive a car fast without getting a ticket? Want to see what your car really does in straight line? Want to see if you have what it takes to drive a car around an International circuit at speed? Want to see if you have the skills to take a part time hobby into something more serious?
Our Circuit Sprint events is where you can show up once you have the necessary licence / membership to give it a go. Countless have started here (and still race here every month) who have gone to Club Days, National race meetings, Hillclimbs, Street Sprints, the lot.
Dual Car Circuit Sprints consist of being split into groups of 6-8, heading out onto a course (for example the GP circuit with no dipper), having a warmup lap, then coming to a halt on the grid. You are then flagged away in pairs, with the next pair starting 10 seconds behind you, and so on. You get 3 laps with a standing start then the chequered flag. You then have one warm down lap.
You then get a second go (same as above) on the same course and the best time out of those 2 courses will get carried through to the overall result.
You will then repeat all of that on at least 3 separate courses – meaning you will do heaps of laps on the day! Excellent value for money.
Multi Car
Some events are run as a Multi Car Sprint.
2x runs are Dual Car and used as qualifying.
Further runs are small grids up up to 6 cars, seeded fastest to the front.
Dual car runs are also continued as an option for people who prefer this method
Euromarque Motorsport Park – Ruapuna Raceway 107 Hasketts Rd
Other events as notified
8:30 – 9:30am. event finishes approx 4-5:00
Twilight events Documentation & Scrutineering 1:00 – 2:00pm, finish approx 7:00 – 8:00pm. Lights required for last course to be classed a finisher
Payments on the day by EFTPOS
Class 1: 0 – 1300cc
Class 2: 1301 – 1600cc
Class 3: 1601 – 2000cc
Class 4: 2001 – 3000cc
Class 5: 3001 plus cc
Cross cars (Vehicles running under Schedule XC)
Road-car Class
Overalls, 2 layer FIA/SFI approved race suit or single layer with approved long underwear
Fire extinguisher mounted as per Schedule A (metal double strap bracket)
How to enter
Entries to be placed via or the Motorsport NZ app
Tips/info on entering online
Full regulations for each event will be in the calendar page for the individual event once entries are open (usually around 4 weeks out)