The Motorsport NZ Website contains a lot of info around gaining competition licences
This page also contains some helpful info in gaining a licence

M Grade (Clubsport)

An M Grade licence is valid for all ClubSport Basic and Advanced events. For further details on what events are classed as ClubSport refer to the ClubSport section of the Motorsport NZ website. All competitors are expected to be in a physical state that enables them to declare on Event entry forms that at the time of the Event they are not suffering from any disability of any kind whether permanent or temporary that is likely to detrimentally affect their control of their automobile or their fitness to drive in the Event.

C Grade (Race) and R Grade (Rally)

MotorSport NZ issues two types of National grade licences, C Grade and R Grade. C Grade licences are valid for all ClubSport and National Race events, excluding all Rally events and events run under an International permit. R Grade licences are valid for all ClubSport and National Rally events, excluding all Race events and events run under an International permit. To gain a C Grade or R Grade licence the applicant will need to first pass the exam for the discipline they are applying for. All competitors at time of application and renewal process for a National grade licence must complete a medical declaration. Its purpose is to enable the MotorSport NZ Medical Assessor to determine whether the competitor has the level of physiological and physical condition required to control an automobile in either a Race or Rally Event. MotorSport NZ may seek further information from the applicant, in which case either you or your Doctor will be contacted directly by the MotorSport NZ Medical Assessor.

Licence Examinations

A prerequisite to the issue of a Competition Licence is the passing of an Exam for the grade of licence applied for. The following documents contain questions that you may be asked during the exam. To help you prepare for the exam please refer to the MotorSport Manual.

Once you have prepared for the exam you will need to go onto the MotorSport NZ Online system, register yourself and apply for the applicable licence.  Then arrange a time with a licence examiner to sit the exam. We have 2 examiners at the Canterbury Car Club office, if you are available during work hours (9-5 weekdays), or contact details for all examiners can be found here.  Once you have completed the examiner will register the result in the system and the MotorSport office will process the licence.

M Grade Exam

Prior to sitting the examination candidates must gained a good level of knowledge of the Drivers Guide.

M Grade Exam

Drivers Guide

C Grade Exam

Prior to sitting the examination candidates must in particular have gained a good level of knowledge of the National Sporting Code, as well as Appendix Two – Schedule A and Appendix Four – Schedule Z.

C Grade Licence Exam

MotorSport Manual

R Grade Exam

Prior to sitting the examination candidates must in particular have gained a good level of knowledge of the National Sporting Code, as well as Appendix Two – Schedule A and Appendix Three – Schedule R.

R Grade Licence Exam

MotorSport Manual