The Interclub championship and the Dave McCahon trophy is contested between 4 motorsport clubs in the Canterbury region – Canterbury Car Club, Ashburton Car Club, Autosport Club and Rallies and Trials enthusiasts Club (RATEC). 8 events a year from between the 4 clubs are designated ‘Interclub Events’ where overall placing from your individual result are counted towards your club’s total in the Championship. Basically, the more members from your club that compete, the better chance of your club doing well. The Championship runs from the start of the calendar year until the end.

Entering Interclub events are a great way to not only experience racing in different locations (all in the  Canterbury area), but in different types of Motorsport events, on different terrains and against different drivers and vehicles. A lot of people rate Interclub events as one of their highlights in their motorsport year. Events range from Speed Events (Ruapuna) to Autocrosses, Seal Hillclimbs, Gravel Bent Sprints and more including individual club event trophies for Motorkhanas and Trials.

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Canterbury Car Club also has its own Interclub trophy for the CCC member who contributes the most to the Interclub events from our club, not just on overall result.

Interclub events are a great way to meet and interact with other Car Clubs and fellow racers and learn new driving skills at the same time.

It’s definitely also worth noting there are plenty other events held by all of the clubs that are open to members of other clubs – and that they would welcome you to enter. These may not be Interclub events, but they are all worth looking into if you have that spare weekend.

Further information can be found here: (see the club promoting the event then click on their website)

Cost: Depends on Club and event. Check Regs or contact a club above.

Car: Again depends on Club and event, although if your car is Schedule A and you have current approved racesuit / overalls and helmet you can compete in most of them. Some Interclub events require minimum half cage. Read the event’s regs for exact details.